Petra, my dream

Hello to all my classmates! This post it's supposed to be the first one, but i never wrote it so, now it's the time. Let's go.
I would love to go to Petra, Jordania, because it's an historic and interesting place and it has more than 3000 years! I would like to visit the constructions sculped on beautiful pink/orange rocks and cliffs amd maybe eat some traditional food.
I would like to live there but just a few years, because I like Chile and I do not like to get away from my family, but I would use all the time there to travel around Jordania and visit those beautiful desert landscapes. I like this old city just because it is made of stones it's got a big adaptation and great constructions, i mean, imagine those architects and builders of VI century B.C. A M A Z I NG that's kind of urbanism so special and Unique that makes me wanna cry🙊🙊. And that's all, i love you xd.
 Staring at the buildings
