My Favourite TV shows

I'm not a woman of series,  I have watched a couple episodes of Mr. Robot but I didn't like it so I just stopped watching it. Also I watched Orange is the New Black, I liked it but I stopped in the 4th season I don't know why, I just get bored easily I think. Anyway, I watched Stranger Things complete because it has eight episodes and it was fun and interesting, and I like Winona Ryder. But if we talk about Game of Thrones it's completely different. I'm really obsessed with that show, I love it because it's complete, I mean, it has political, issues love stories, battles, action, cool girls, wolves, dragons, fire and blood. My favorite character is Daenerys Targaryen because she raised from nothing. She took every opportunity she has to grow, and she will keep doing it until she finally create her new world (I  hope), she's the queen that I choose. Also I love her relationship with Drogon, he behaves like my dog hahaha because he takes care of her and is always by her side. I also have Nymeria, my other dog, who's crazy, wild and brave.
I can be years talking about this show but I will stop because I have more homework to do hahah. But I can't go if I haven't talked about The Simpsons. I love this show, I know every single dialogue  and I love speak with Simpsons references, I had to say it. So that's all thank you for reading me and see you in the next post.
 Goofy as Drogon
Tulsí as Nymeria


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